Look After You Too!

Last week was a real tough one for me, the kids had an appointment each and the hubby did too!
My little girl now has to wear glasses 24/7 after me being convinced that she was just messing around when she got checked out in school, but nope; she has pretty bad vision!
My hubbies appointment went well, he just has to wear his splint on his finger for another two weeks then after a check up in two weeks hopefully it will have healed well!
The appointment for my little man, well it didn't go so well.. we knew what to expect from it, but I had never imaged that he would be classed as severe.. far too much happened at this appointment for me to write it all out again so if you want to read more about it check it out over on my blog here.

While all this was going on, and after several shocks and new things learnt about my children I realised that everyone else had an appointment apart from me, and I really need one.

If I want too look after my children to the best of my ability I need to look after myself too.
I am going to make an appointment with my doctor and have a chat with him. About 1 year ago I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and then a few months later depression too. Looking back on it, this was when things started to change with my little boy and become apparent that he was going to lead a different life to others. I didn't voice my opinion to others on this for a while as I didn't want to look like a panicked parent, or one who was just making things up, well.. my mind went into overdrive, and this was because of my anxiety.

My depression and anxiety affect everything that I do in life, from stupid things like 'what clothes should go in the first load of washing!' Obviously this isn't the easiest way to live life, and my depression, well it comes in swings and roundabouts it really just depends on what is going on. When this first all came about I was happy dealing with it myself and trying to keep on top of it, now though, I am sure I need some form of help to keep me balanced. We will be going though a lot in the next few months.. who am I kidding, for the rest of my life.

That's the thing, this is a long term thing. My life is going to be a lot more stressful than the average Jo, so I need to make sure I am on top of my mental health before I can tackle the world for my children!

So; Make sure you look after your own mental health. Try and not get caught up in sorting everyone else because you wont be able to look after them too the best of your ability if you are not at your best! =D


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